Studies/The Three Trials/ Lost Language
When Todd regained consciousness, he could tell by the softness around him he was in a bed. He could also tell it was his house because he heard Daemon and Cinders fighting over the player one controller for the X-Box 360. His head felt like a piano...
Uninvited Guests/Round 2
New Characters Daemon: Bulbasaur: Male. An old friend of Todd's. He is a rowdy Bulbasaur with a red triangle on his face. He's 15 years old. Cinders: Cyndaquil: Male. Daemon's best friend, his fire is green instead of red from increased Carbon...
Todd's Birthday/First Day in Thunder Woods
Characters Picture: Name: Pokemon: Gender. Todd: Vulpix: Male Foxy: Mix\*: Female Raizy: Raichu: Female Terrance: Growlithe: Male Fredrick: Salamence: Male William: Mightyena: Male Krystal: Zangoose: Female Flip: Unknown mix:...