Curly's Backstory, v.1

One morning, the sun refused to shine. Helios, in all his mighty power, could not persuade the fiery disc to begin its daily circuit. Nothing was working. The people below soon grew anxious, then angry, then terrified. "Our god has abandoned us!"...

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Scarlet - Chapter 1

It seems almost unfitting to begin a story with an end. But, from every ending emerges a beginning, and every beginning evokes an end. This is the circle of all things, the vicious cycle in which all living creatures are caught. This cycle grabbed me...

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Scarlet - Chapter 3

By that time, we had wound up at the gates of the Central District, home to both the city's botanical gardens and the Great Library, where I spent most of my lazy afternoons poring over the several dusty, ancient tomes that lined the walls. That day,...

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