Cross Country Chapter 1

"Miles! It's time to get ready for school, get up!" A voice rang out, pulling the tired snow leopard out of his sleep. He yawned and cracked open his eyes, half blinded by the sunlight coming through his bedroom window. "All right! I'm getting up!" he...

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We come from different times From different realms Yet we know much about each other Though we don't know one another, we only know the others presence We are as one would be Two bodies, though shared.......and a little broken We know the others...


Legend of the Gladiator: Prologue

In the center of the busy renaissance age market, surrounded by marvelous, century old buildings from a time long ago, walked a cloaked figure. An ancient lion, well into his 80's, his greying fur and white hair a clear sign under his hood. The market...

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Inexorable Ch.1

The Snow leopard walked through the nighttime ruins of the city. The buildings around him were mainly intact, except for a few broken windows here or there, it was intact, but empty. Not a soul in sight, the only thing keeping him company seemed to be...

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