Hard Rain
The ground sparkled with orange, the setting sun reflecting off puddles as an onslaught of rain pelted the ground endlessly. The smell of wet asphalt rose with the night. Tyco took refuge from the rain underneath an overturned cardboard box in a...
A Thief's Adventure
He surveyed the area from a nearby bush, under cover of darkness. His orange color scheme did very little to camouflage him with the greenery of brush, but he had his ways around it. He was quiet. Quiet as a mouse, one could say, scanning the grounds...
The man, or woman, or whoever lived next door played a beautiful piano. I could hear it through the wall, and it had woken me at 6:03, twenty-seven minutes before my alarm was due to go off, but I didn't mind. I laid peacefully on my bed with my eyes...
The City of San Yesenya (intro)
I sniffed at the air. It was always the first thing I did in the morning. Not sure why. Usually nothing smelled particularly interesting. Most of the time it just smelled like shit. But I did it anyway, I guess because it woke me up, I don't know. ...