Identity: Cast of Characters
CAST OF CHARACTERS: PRIMARY CHARACTERS _Ned Parker_; Wolf; Rookie cop at San Fernando Metro Homicide _Garrett Dyckert_; Coyote; Actor _Scarlett Lewis_; Coyote; Ned's partner at SF Metro _Olympia Rogan_; Wolf; British socialite _Mikey Ross_;?...
Identity: Chapter Fifty-Six
CHAPTER FIFTY-SIX NED "Come on, come on" they teased. "Show us the gold..." Scarlett's ears tipped back in shy embarrassment, but her muzzle opened in a crack of a smile too, as she held out her paw. The intricate diamond sparkled in the...
Identity: Chapter Fifty-Five
\*\*\* This is NOT the last chapter CHAPTER FIFTY-FIVE NED The crash sent up an echo that rang throughout the empty mall. Wordlessly Ned ran to the balcony. Maxwell lay on his back amid the wreckage of one of the kiosks. He'd fallen right into...
Identity: Chapter Fifty-Four
CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR NED The fox had gone into a trance or something, muttering incoherent nonsense and whimpering quietly to himself, paws gesturing, so after a moment of that, Ned had started edging himself towards Garrett, who, the silly yote,...
Identity: Chapter Fifty-Three
CHAPTER FIFTY-THREE MIKEY Mikey was in a nightmare, but it was a living one. The wolf was saying that his family had been murdered, but that couldn't be so; that was only the dream, the reoccurring nightmare, but if so, how did the wolf know about...
Identity: Chapter Fifty-One
CHAPTER FIFTY-ONE NED Garrett did not answer Ned's call, but this failed to dampen the wolf's spirits. The drive back to SF Metro headquarters was thick with rampant tail-wagging, long-muzzled grinning, and irresistible relief. Finally, the...
Identity: Chapter Fifty
CHAPTER FIFTY NED Ned left Olympia's house feeling more certain as to his plan than he had in days. He'd still been in bed with Garrett when he realised what he had to do. It had been a peaceful, restful night; neither had felt quite in the need of...
Identity: Chapter Forty-Seven
CHAPTER FORTY-SEVEN MIKEY At that moment the crocodile was feeling very smart indeed. Mikey's hotel room had evidentially previously sheltered a female guest, because the room smelled strongly of perfumes, so much that his nose twitched and he...
Identity: Chapter Forty-Six
CHAPTER FORTY-SIX NED "It wasn't Dr Rath. Couldn't possibly have been." The speaker was a Lycaon surgeon called Edmund DuBois, and they were sitting in one of the hospital's conference room. Dr DuBois was trying to sound professional, but there...
Identity: Chapter Forty
CHAPTER FORTY NED "This would be the fourth copy-cat killing" Arkady said. Ned felt his good mood wilting. He'd came in happy that morning, after another night over at Garrett's house, during which they'd watched the airing of episode 22 of...
Identity: Chapter Thirty-Nine
CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE NED Ned and Scarlett were waiting when Garrett's yellow Mustang pulled into the SF Metro parking lot. At first Ned thought Garrett had come alone, but then he realised that Olympia was in the backseat. She and Garrett were...
Identity: Chapter Thirty-Six
CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX NED Ned could not help but notice the fleeting flicker of hope that passed across Garrett's face after he'd answered Ned's knock. He hadn't even been sure the coyote would be home at this hour, if at all. He could have been off...