Layton's backstory part 2

4 years later It was a hot, muggy day, and Layton was stuck watching over his parent's booth for the summer festival. He'd hoped that his parents would let him go out and maybe enjoy the festival properly for once, but no. He'd been told that he...

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Layton's backstory part 1

Layton sat watching the coals of his father's forge. It was getting late into the evening, and he'd just finished the work he'd been given for the day. 2 sword bases that his father would prepare fully in the morning, as well as a number of plates...



The cosmos was a large, empty place. One had to keep their wits about them in order to survive. Unfortunately, wits were rather hard to come by nowadays. He'd spent the last... he didn't know how long, adrift. Floating through space, with only his own...

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Layton's backstory part 3

Layton and Clint slowly made their way towards the stall where Layton's father was waiting. As they walked up the road, Layton could hear him talking with his mother. "I don't care that it's the last day of the festival Hestia. He was instructed to be...

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Curse of Smiles

Alius pulled back the flap that led into his adventuring companion's tent. Smiles, a gnoll his party had picked up, lay inside, twirling a pair of rocks in his hand, while lounging against his supplies. "What took you so long? I thought catfolk were...

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Scolding Stone

"Look, I already told you that this isn't going to work! We tried, and we failed. That's the long and short of it." A young buck with brown fur and wearing a suit of simple armor was gesturing wildly, shouting to nobody in a room full of statues in a...

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the garden

The garden had been abandoned for years. That much was clear from both the amount of growth and the decay lying beneath it. Amelia walked through what had been gorgeously cultivated flowerbeds and topiaries, now reduced to piles of weeds. She ran her...


Extinguishing Hellfire

Blaze stepped from what used to be a burning building, his red and gold plumage caked with ash and soot. He brushed himself off amidst the cheers of the crowd that had surrounded the building, and handed the child he was carrying off to their...

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