Chronicles of the Tetrad Chaper 6: The Solitary Hive
"Psionic powers take on many forms. Some of these come out of the need of your kind to adapt, but most are purely unique between two Chrea." ~Guide, Chapter 13 I awaken to the clacking sounds of mortar to pestle, grinding medical herbs to...
Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 2: Kitten of Dust
"The Chronicles of the Tetrad are a compiled series of tales. They detail the adventures of the Sandmelters Aria and Caroline, as well as their android companion Travis and The Great Hive-Fortress Melitodes. These are helpful to new...
Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 1: Guide
This document is pre-loaded into every Scientific Research Presenter given out, and cannot be removed. It is designed to welcome Chrea who are ready to explore the world, started by the first Chrea researcher and consistently updated daily by...
Chronicles of the Tetrad Chaper 5: A Business Meeting
"Where humanity would try to take dominance over their own kind and beyond, most of Chreakind are only concerned with dominance over the self. Take control and master your own situation, and you will not surely die." ~Guide, Chapter 3 Having...
Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 4: A Hasty Fortune Telling
"Environments are scattered at seemingly random by the Terra Formers. You will note a thin, shimmering blue aura separates one between the other. These are World-Barriers that keep each environment self-contained; water, you, and anything...
Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 3: Meow Like an Egyptian
"Beware dealing with clans without prior knowledge, as they will always be wary of you at the very least. Each one has their own rules specifically about outsiders; if they do not tell you their own terms after acknowledging your presence, leave...