Cards of Love and Hate Chapter One:Rooftop Rumble Part One
**_This story will contain some made up cards but the effect of each will be explained as well as some normal cards I have used in my own duels. _** **_DISCLAIMER:Yugioh is the sole property of Konami Japan Entertainment. I do not own Yugioh nor any...
System Under Fire Chapter One: Dim Sparks
**Author's Note:** **Be warned that this story is a bit different then my usual writtings. The character might be a bit offensive to some of you. This series will contian some Boy on Boy action in later chapters. ** **As always if it is illegal for...
Chapter Four: Circles Part Two
I watched Sukura walk away and then headed to my class. I shrunk into my hoodie and tried to become invisible inside its cover. The white halls were filled with foot traffic and many people saw me and seemed to either stare with wonder or shrink away...
Total Trust Chapter Four: A Whole New World
**A/N Thank you for your support and continued feedback. Keep it up!** **This story contains sexual content between two males if you are underage or not allowed to view this in your area leave this page now.** **_"Disturb not the harmony of Fire,...
Chapter Nine: Everything Goes Boom!
**A/N: Yes the \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* indicates a curse word but consider it beeped out.** (Marrissa) I was shocked that the fox had managed to get out of my circle and now I did not care that my left eye was beginning to swell. I was carefully watching...
The Orphans Among Us Chapter Eight: Witches
**Chapter 8 is finally here. Thanks for your support. There will be new characters in this chapter. You have been warned :P Also the circle used here is far from traditional while that may shock you I mean no offense to anyone that practices the...
The Orphans Among Us Chapter Seven: Heading Home
**Author's Note: Yay Sukura and Pengu are free from the lab!!!! It has been so fun writing this story. Thank you for all the comments and your support.** **Disclaimer: I do not own Law and Order or any of the shows affiliated with it. Law and Order...
The Orphans Among Us Chapter Six: Mountain Rescue
(Greg) The red eye flight to North Dakota was full with worry and distress. Our son convicted as a criminal by the local news and because he was a Furry, was undergoing dangerous experiments. According to the article there was supposed to be a Wolf...
The Orphans Among Us Chapter Five: Lab Rats
Author's Note: **Thank you for your continued support. I hope that you have enjoyed the story so far. I am trying to make every chapter better than the last. The picture at the right is my cherry blossom armor.** (Sukura) When I woke up, I was...
The Orphans Among Us Chapter Four: Bulletproof Fox
_Author's Note: Sorry that I have not uploaded in a while kind of had writers block but now I am ready to go. Comments and Votes are welcome!_ _ _ (Sukura) I lead the way down to dinner but my thoughts were on my parents I barley stopped myself from...
The Orphans Among Us Chapter Three: Violet Accademy Part 2
(Travis) I watched my friend walk up the stairs before I headed down the hall. I glanced up at the sign as I neared the staircase and then down at my map. Seems as if I was in the right place, I headed up the stairs holding onto the white rail and...
The Orphans Among us Chapter Two: Violet Academy Part 1
Chapter 2 (Marsey) I sat in the passenger seat and watched our two new sons in the mirror on the back of the visor. I admit that the fox attracted my attention more than the other boy did. The fox was currently watching the scenery go by while the...