Guro Challenge #32: Scarring/Disfiguration

"Why do you wear that mask, fox?" Slagar touched the cloth over his ruined cheek and said "My own reasons, sire." "And what may they be? Tell me." "Deception. Disguise. Many reasons, sire." Slagar kept his gaze steady on the mouth of the statue, and...

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Guro Challenge #3: Vore/Cannibalism

Filorn walked into the infirmary, saw the mouse's head poking out of her son's mouth, and almost had a heart attack before Nimbalo waved a paw from behind Deyna's lips and grinned at her. "'Ello, miz Deyna's mum!" "Good grief, lads, what are you...

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A Curious Fleet: Shard/Freeta

Promotion was not living up to Shard's expectations. Angrily, he wiped droplets of water from his headfur and let his tongue hang out, hoping to ease the discomfort of the sticky-hot room, and hacked with more force than necessary at the carrots...

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A Curious Fleet: Piknim/Craklyn

The mist was thick, and the moisture made her old bones ache. She had thought that would stop now. Perhaps she had to get past the gate first. She hoped she could find it soon. The path beneath her footpaws was smooth going, broad enough to admit an...

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Guro Challenge #12: Parasite

"I have given suck, and know How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this."...

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Guro Challenge #6: Surgery

Romsca, stripped to the fur, sat back on the table in the smoky, smelly apothecary's shop, and eyed the grog bottle in the paw of the bent old fox. "Gonna pass that over 'ere, mate?" "This? This is for me," said the crone, shaking it disapprovingly....

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Guro Challenge #33: Beaten Up/Bruising

When he was a pup, Martin one day complained of a terrible headache. His friend Timbal nodded sympathetically, and then kicked him in the shins. Martin used several words his grandmother would have clipped his ears for saying, and asked Timbal why he...

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Guro Challenge #26: Plants

Shadow, light and slender, took point, followed by Redtooth, while Cluny stayed a cautious pace behind, letting his lackeys test the route. Cluny was still a young rat, though the oldest of the group, but big and heavy with muscle. Shadow sniffed...

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Guro Challenge #13: Sickness

Groddil left his chair and backed up, trembling, trying not to drop the flagon. Dark wine trickled down his chin, and he licked his lips guiltily. "I'm so sorry, sire, I'm sorry. It-it looked just like my water jug, I wasn't paying attention... I'm...

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Guro Challenge #4: Piercings/Body Modification

"Dad, I really don't think you should be doin' this yourself." "Oh, pshaw, young feller, am I to trust the job to your tremblin' paws?" "They ain't tremblin'!" Cheek tucked his paws behind his back to hide his lie. "Just think this is still gonna...

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Guro Challenge #27: Extra Limbs

As soon as he learns to count, he dreams of his claw. In the day it's the last thing anybeast cares about, but at night it shows up like a flag. He dreams of being a mouse, a normal one, not twice the other younglings' height with razor fangs and...

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Guro Challenge #18: Ball-Jointed Doll

"Keep up!" Little Triss tottered after the princess, weighed down under the mountain of petticoats and lace she'd been forced into. The dress was an old one of Kurda's, too long for her, too tight around the shoulders and bunched into folds around the...

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