A new start Chapter 4: The First Relationship

Kyo woke up the next morning to the sound of Rayne talking with someone. "Hello, Mr. Muramisa? My name's Rayne, and-well, I was actually calling about Kyo. He came home sick yesterday, and he's been throwing up nonstop. I think he should-there's no...

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A New Start Chapter 3: First Kiss

Rayne had managed to finish cleaning his house in a matter of hours. He was actually glad he'd taken the time to clean up his house, if only for one reason. He'd found his mother's ring. His mother wasn't much of a feminine person; she'd...

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A new start chapter 1: the encounter

The sun was beginning to rise as Rayne climbed out of his bed and began dressing. Typically, he wouldn't have gotten out of bed until the last possible minute, but today was an exception. He was about to go to a new school, and...

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A new start Chapter 2: Friendship

The wolf walked down the hall, very close to going into shock. Not only had someone allowed him to sit at their lunch table and not freaked out when they saw him, but that same person had invited him to sit at his table tomorrow. But as he went to...

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