Tales of Alzarin: Chapter 1
A proper introduction into the world of Alzarin. Alzarin. That is the name of a kingdom that has prospered long over the many years. A kingdom that's been known as the one that's been "touched by God". It's people live in harmony, the lands tilled...
A changeling and an artist
"What should we do today?" spoke a voice with reverb. "You mean, what should 'I' do today?" replies another voice. It was a studio apartment, where two beings simple converse with one another. However, it was noticeable that they were rather...
What is left of me: Chapter Finale
[4/24/2050] I am sorry for leaving my log entries vacant for 7 days, the infection, despite my hopes of besting it, was too fast for me to treat. Cart kept me company though, so at least that was one benefit of what was happening to me. Still, I'm...
Monster Mankind Chapter 1
John had his baggage dropped off to his house, more or less a designated condominium given to him by the government. It was a yellow and white foundation, with several windows covered by a roofed porch that shelters several rocking chairs. His eyes...
Monster Mankind Chapter 5
John felt like he had a good nap until the wave of bodily aches robbed the temporary feeling of serenity from him. He questioned the pain that he was experiencing until he remembered what had happened before. He'd been knocked out by the Nemean lion....
Monster Mankind Chapter 4
John looked into the park, the massive tree of ethereal charm sheltering the people below it as other trees surrounding the grandest of the bunch. But now, on the very floor of the park, the trees were taller than he expected. John had seen some...
Monster Mankind Chapter 3
John felt himself painfully return to reality. His brain wasn't as blinded by his agonizing trauma. It's only been a week and already he is repeating the experience he just had the week prior. His vision manages to comprehend his environment. He was at...
Monster Mankind Chapter 2
Getting used to his new house was something that took quite a while to get used to. After being dispatched from the hospital, he immediately returned to his household. Well...it was more or less of being teleported to his house. Lauriel had come back...