The Lock - Early Short Story Attempt
**The Lock** **By: Sean M. Walley** The clatter of .50 caliber shell casings rang off of the deck of the Huey chopper in a challenging howl to the weaker yips of AK-47 rifle fire from the tall grass that flew by below. I shifted my weight to lean...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 4
4. The groan and crack of timber jolted me out of the hammock with an indignant thump to the wood cargo decking. A loose keg of water rumbled and crashed into me before I could stand slamming me up against the moaning hull of the galleon. I could...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 3
3. I'd returned to the waiting pilgrims. They'd taken their fill of mead, juices, meats, cheese and fruit. My armor was packed neatly in the remaining satchel, and each of the ladies wore simple cotton robes of blue and the children had cotton...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 2
2. I scrambled nimbly back from a few stubborn bushes clinging to treasured dirt within the cliff walls. The city gates of Port Tabitha lay ahead a good two hundred feet, open to all and with no surprise, manned by a pair of crusaders. I made my...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 1
1. I could never tell what was colder during my roguish descent along the cliffs of the Madesto Gulf; the ragged wind or my kindling exile from a life I once knew. Gleeful spring winds wrapped me in a blanket of thawing winters breath letting me...
The Loraine Files - Washington State #2
**Chapter 2** Something warm spilled onto my muzzle and it felt good. Dimly, I remembered dreaming of pain, drugs, and someone trying to strap me down to a hospital bed last night. What a nightmare that had been. It was just another stress induced...
The Loraine Files - Washington State #1
**~Preface~** Harsh white light streamed from several work lamps illuminating a crumbling twenty foot cellar. Several men sporting yellow hard hats smudged with wet earth stood near the rough hewn walls. They all had sturdy steel support poles...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 5
5. The rough rocking lullaby of the cart had come to a sudden stop. The Dehsii males reappeared around the cart and studied me then they all looked to Rohtheer. He yip sang in howls and barks inciting a smooth flow of many hands lifting my body up...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 6
6. Howling storms dressed my nightmares with sweat inducing fear. Dark water surged around me with a giants tug and by its own volition regurgitated me among the rocks of the Madesto Coast. Cold, dark eyes stared at me from three bodies draped on...
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 5
Lupe Lexicon System LLS v1.0: Active Lupratek Database System v6.0: Historic Archive Request File Available: Adaptive Colonization from Earth File Entry: 00005 Subject: Adaptive Colonization from Earth Time Stamp: 1.23.0800AW \<2nd Space Age...
Two Lost Lambs in the Forest
Two Lost Lambs in the Forest "Ellie! Ellie? Don't run so fast! Ellie?" Called out a little boy all of six years old. He broke upon a sunlit pool of light in the old forest. His sturdy leggings of bleached canvas and brand new tunic and shorts of...
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 4
Lupe Lexicon System LLS v1.0: Active Lupratek Database System v6.0: Historic Archive Request File Available: N.T.E. Civil Wars File Entry: 00004 Subject: N.T.E. Civil Wars Time Stamp: 6.30.0690AW \<N.T.E. Civil Wars 0580-0690AW\> _"Blood. Blood...