Call of the Ocean
Call of the Ocean By born2beagator Don loved the ocean, there was no two ways about it. Always a loner, he moved to the Bahamas the moment he was done with college and had the money. He now lived on Man-O-War Key in a house with beach access. He...
The Rise of Serpens: Serpens Meets his First Convert
Serpens Meets his First Convert By born2beagator It had been a day since Chris had fully transformed and taken his place with his mate Karina. But Chris didn't have any concept of time, to him, he'd always been a water monitor. On the first night he...
The Rise of Serpens: Reptile at Heart Zoo
The Rise of Serpens: Reptile at Heart Zoo By born2beagator Serpens had used his human form numerous time to blend in, sowing subtle seeds of reptilian influence wherever he went. He hated the necessity. The ugly mop of hair, the weak body, the soft...
The Rise of Serpens: Aftermath
Aftermath By born2beagator From his cypress perch, Serpens watched the house that had been transformed into a den of snakes with delight. His plan was going to work. While Cynthia struggled at first, once the serpentine influence of Hercules took...
A Snakish Attraction
A Snakish Attraction By born2beagator Serpens left his first convert with a contented hiss. He hoped that all humans would be as willing to embrace reptiles as he was. This was the true test. Chris was practically a reptile before he had even met...
The Rise of Serpens: The Reptile God Revealed
Serpens Revealed by born2beagator \*Flashback\* Since ancient times, constellations had been a guide for humankind. A beacon of hope. "How wrong these silly mammals were." Thought Serpens. "They have ruled for far too long. It is time for reptiles...
The Rise of Serpens: A Job at the Zoo
A Job at the Zoo By born2beagator Chris was at a loss. He just graduated from college with a degree in herpetology. However, as of yet no jobs had opened to him. Sitting at home leafing through another hopeless job search, he noticed an advertisement...