A chance meeting chapter 3
Chapter 3 As Ben made his way inside he realized he walked slower and quieter then he should, having added some ground valerian root to the stew while she was in the bath to make sure she would sleep a deep and resting slumber he knew she would not...
soul of a man
Won't somebody tell me, the inescapable truth, won't somebody tell me, what can change the soul of a man? I have always believed that love, was the most powerful force in the universe, I grew up with the same stories as everyone else, how love can...
Cave-in part 1
Jake spat on the ground, his client was late, damn tourists. Lighting another cigarette and taking a lazy drag he slouched down on the wooden bench, two backpacks at his feet, filled with ropes, picks, hooks and hammers, a set of climbing boots and a...
You are afraid, in pain, doubting yourself to the very core of your being, often thinking about ending it all, the only reason you stayed, allowed yourself to be tormented was because of your family, the ones depending on you. I can feel it radiation...