Zootopia Body Swap: Finnick and Bogo Pt.2

"First off-" Chief Bogo says in Finnick's stomach-rumbling baritone, "Who are you? And what are you after? I know you. I've seen you hanging around Officer Wilde. Your name is James Finn, apparently, and you live in a shabby van. How did -you- do......

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Hardcore Pet Play

"I'm pretty excited babe. I've never really done anything like this before." Brendon says, "But I have to ask, why do you get to be the 'alpha'?" He raises an eyebrow at Carson who coolly replies. "Because it's my birthday next week, obviously. Plus...

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The Herd Mentality

Zootopia's populace has become fractured in the wake of a series of savage assaults by seemingly feral animals. These mammals were reportedly mild-mannered and normal until, for whatever reason, they erupted into wild violence. Complicating the...

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Big Mama Bear

* * * Clover stealthily slips into the storeroom she had just previously unlocked with her pen-mounted mini-laser. The fact that her intrusion would be made evident by the singed and partially melted lock was lost on her. The secret agent shuts the...

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