A Summer Together Pt. 5
Ch. 5 I haven't been able to sleep right for as long as i can remember. I always end up waking up near in tears from night terrors or just can't sleep all together. The day that rose came back into my life all that just stopped. These few nights so...
A Summer Together Pt. 4
Ch. 4 So today is our first day home marking the beginning of our summer on our own. We took the first few hours to unpack, while doing so we bullshitted about how our lives were going. After all was said and done we sat in the game room i had put...
A Summer Together Pt. 3
Ch. 3 After the week was done we decided to leave on Sunday. Today we decided that before we leave should clean the cabin. After hours of work we had the cabin spotless and we decided that we could have a last fun thing to do before we leave. We...
A Summer Together Pt. 2
Ch. 2 As we arrive we start unpacking I learn that It was Rose's twenty-first birthday her friends are my age, twenty-three, since it was her twenty-first we thought the first day should be a little celebration so we unpacked the car and went out...
A Summer Together Pt. 1
I walked in the house and asked my mother when she got here. My mother told me she was going to be spending the summer here. Just then my mother got a call from my aunt saying that my grandmother had fallen. after the call my mother told me that she...