Book One of Rabbits Part 6 of 29, "Down to my bones."
**CHAPTER 5** "Down to my bones." Cecil knows it is not a good idea to let Fauna stay, but he cannot very well kick her out. The last time she visited ended with them arguing over the hate his sisters have for her and Cecil's inability to...
Hello.I've got a book promotion going on today until 2/26. Two books, free, on Kindle. I put my heart and soul into this, and I am, really struggling, and could use your help. All I need from you is if you are interested in a dense novel saga set in a...
Book One of Rabbits Part 5 of 29, SUBSERVIENCE
**CHAPTER 4** Subservience Echoes of laughter, of screaming, of dining ware scraping across ceramic plates, and of glasses clinking reaches the two lapin boys guarding the hatch. It is the quietest in the first living room, save for the usual ruckus...
Book One of Rabbits Part 4 of 29, "All of this, is ours. We built this."
**CHAPTER 3** "All of this, is ours. We built this." The cafeteria is the second-largest chamber in the den. It is defeated in size only by the spiral farm. This dining chamber was not always the functional place it is today. Initially, the kitchen...
Book One of Rabbits Part 3 of 29, "I don't know what you are anymore."
**CHAPTER 2** "Idon't know what you are anymore." The fresh odor of fertilizer and moist soil catches Cecil long before reaching the end of this tunnel. The air here has a colorful haze of purple, yellow, and blue dust, spores that glow as if each...
Book One of Rabbits Part 1 of 29 "The Fingerprint Of Nature's Breath?"
**"**** The fingerprint of nature's breath?"** Four days marching into the misery leaves only the blistering desert spanning this lonely horizon. Two colors set the contrast between Vaelia and Celestiae, ivory of the baking sand and the deep blue of...