After what seem like a era of silence and ebbing pain, Jericho opened his eyes to a colorless sky and thanked whatever deity on this world that there wasn't any sunlight burn his already hurting eyes. When he realized he wasn't using his lungs, he...
The Asassin's Dark Tales-Chapter VI: Snake in a Crate
Sitting in an abandoned shack built in the poor water districts of the Imperial City, Swift-Knife sat quietly, his cloak over his head as he dipped his claw into the mutilated body of a Dunmer who use to work in the Imperial Trading Company warehouse,...
The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter V: The Contract
Walking by the stairs, Swift-Knife looked around in the somewhat empty downstairs after killing the fireplace, and took a careful seat in a thick swooping chair that fit perfectly with his tail and bulk. Opening a black leather-clad journal sitting on...
The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter II: Virgin Taste
After sneaking from the sewer at dusk, Swift-Knife swam through the gutters, out of the city, and soon enough stumbled into a camp of bandits nearby. They tried to attack the Argonian, thinking he would be an easy kill, having nothing on but a dirty...
The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter I: First Meeting
Days' hiding in his old lair-the immense sewer of the Imperial City-the Prisoner was once more in almost complete darkness and have grown tired of the smell of sewer. He wanted to be free and out into the world. Eating rats and the occasional goblin,...
Elder Scrolls: The Assassin's Dark Tale
**Prologue** Sitting in a damp, dark cell of the infamous Imperial Prison for an unknown time period, with a shred of natural light beaming into his cell and torches from the other end of the cell-lined hall, the Prisoner have long lost track of time...
The First Rain
As the music played in his ears, Artashir slowly closed his eyes and gently swayed his body to the flow of the raindrops. So calm and tranquil. He slowly began to hear the drops hit stone, then fur...then the sounds of thunder. Jerking abit, he winced...
A visit and its memories I
The old woman turned and smiled at the newcomer standing in the, rather, familiar faces turned by time. One of handsome and scarred features and the other wizened and bright with experienced life and a beauty that masked the weathering of...