The Orphan and the Priest Chapter 5
Steven was starting to outgrow his clothes at an akarming rate. After the school button-popping-incident, I noticed Steven's shirts started looking a little skintight on him. He went up from a large to an extra-large t-shirt size. His pants went from...
The Priest and the Orphan Chapter 3
When Steven said that he would look into the conpetition, he had meant it. He actually found a restaurant owner who would tutor him to win. The owner was a Lion named Alfred who owned the "best" (never use superlatives you can't quantify) burger place...
The Orphan and the Priest Chapter 2
The Orphanage was hitting hard times because of a lack of funds to the archdiocese. The children went to work in the fields of their own free will with Sister Grace and my help. They planted numerous trees which they grew as equally numerous fruits,...
The Orphan and the Priest Chapter 1
I came to the orphage to hear confessions of the cubs. They were excellent cubs for the most part, gentle, intelligent, and true believers in the faith. There was one, however, who loved the Church more than others. His name was Steven. Steven was a...