The Sylarium : Part 5
Chapter 17 Thorolos paced his room. The icy blue floor was marred with scratches where his serrated claws had dug in to keep him from slipping. The walls had stopped weeping while he was... in that prison. During the warmer months, the walls and...
The Sylarium : Part 4
Chapter 13 A searing pain shot through his wing, yanking him from the warm embrace of darkness. He screamed and his eyes shot open. At first, Aravarys was confused. He was... somewhere in the mountains, but nothing around him looked familiar. He was...
The Sylarium : Part 3
Chapter 9 "So it was his fault," the Glaciaren king said, more a statement than a question. "Yeah. He ignored us when we told him to leave through the sewer. I think he thought he was above running away at all, let alone escaping through a sewer....
The Sylarium : Part 2
Chapter 6 Aravary's heart started to beat faster as they got closer to the City. He wasn't sure if it was because of his long, exerting flight, or fear of being recaptured. The City began to fill his view, spreading to the horizon. It was an ugly,...
The Sylarium : Part 1
Chapter 1 Aravarys hated stone. It was hard, heavy, and grey. Aravarys hated grey. Grey was a boring color, not the heavy presence of black and not the grand majesty of white. Grey, boring stone was ever present in Aravarys' life. His cell was made of...
The Sylarium : Part 6
Chapter 21 "Then the guards shot me right here," Thorolos said, craning his neck around towards his injured wing joint. "It was a waste of a bolt, really. Didn't even slow me down." "Heh, sure. Is that why you still can't move it?" Zedryn teased. ...
The Sylarium : Part 7
Chapter 25 After his punishment was over, Thorolos began to fall into a routine. Wake up, eat, work, talk to Zedryn, visit the prisoner. He had started saving parts of his meals to give to her. A little bit here, a chunk there, and with every passing...