Furs on Tour - Thursday
I woke up slowly, wincing as I opened my eyes. The pain brought my conversation with Lindsey to the forefront of my mind and the tears welled again. I stopped myself crying. I wasn't going to let him get to me. I walked over to the bathroom,...
Furs on Tour - Wednesday
Our teachers seriously had it in for us whilst we were in New York. Breakfast was at 8, after barely any sleep because we were excited.....and the heating was really, really noisy from about midnight onwards. Breakfast was not optional. At...
Furs on Tour - Tuesday
Just a quick heads up before I start :) 'Kay, I'm new to this so I apologise in advance. Comments, critisicims are all welcome. All characters are mine, similarities between them and real people are puuurely...
Furs on Tour - Friday
Okay this is the 4th installment of Furs on Tour. I apologise in advance for the ending. I'm not entirely happy with the ending, but I'm not sure how else to finish it. Comments and criticisms welcomed :) This one is a lot shorter than the...