aleu new dad part 2
In the last story alue finally found out about her moms new mate and refused to have him apart of the wolf pack rose finally gave birth to her new pup named stormy. jenna finally went up to aleu and had a disagrement with her about ravn jenna runs off...
aleu new dad part 1
At 6:30 am rose was sleeping and it was 9 months and she was still pregnet. rose then fells water go down her legs she looks and sees her waterbroke rose then wimpers. rose yells for steele and her mom and dad. the morning birds cherp then rose gives...
new pup and the big fight part 2
when aleu and the evil wolf pack leader she was abouts to attack then she heard a howl she looks then saw balto with steele rose jenna and aniu soul. aleu looks and says'' what are you guys doing here'' jenna said'' aniu told us that something really...
aleu and taku:new pup and the big fight
The sun was shining and the birds chirp and the wolf pack run free. Aleu was giving birth to one new pup. Taku was outside the cave and lilac and tatsumo was scared. Tatsumo said" dad when will mom be done?" Taku said" I don't know son I'm scared...
aleu and taku: rose and steele
In the brezzy summer morning aleu and taku was with there grown pups lilac,rose,and tatsumo there was about to go to Nome to see balto and Jenna and kodi. Ale said " ready to go guys" taku said " I am come on guys". They leave and when it got dark they...
Aleu family: one family's soul
In a warm summer night the beautiful moon shines on a cave. Aleu the alpha with her omega mate name taku he is there to help his mate give birth. Taku looks at his mate and says" I will help you my sweet heart " aleu smiles the she pushes reallyhard...