Manaphy's Electricfying Meal! Timothy And Manaphy!

**Manaphy's Electrifying Meal! Timothy and Manaphy!** By Alcid34 On a beautiful Spring afternoon on Route 1, the Sun shines brightly on a Emolga, walking on the Gravel Route. His name is Timothy, and unlike any other emolga in the Unova Region, he...

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Sixth Generation Starters Poem

Chestnuts don't have pins, but instead, take a spindle. Fennec foxes are not on fire, of course, they don't have Kindles. But look! Towards the horizon, past the last croaking frog of the night, It's Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie! Ready to fight! ...

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The Big Bully! Typhlosion VS Emboar!

Matthew was a Typhlosion with big muscles who has a tendency to grow to an enormous size if anyone gets in his way, and because of that, he was crowned as the local city's protector against any people who was a threat to the city. The downside though,...

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