Twokinds Revolutions ####
Seth was on patrol like he was most days now. It was Fall and the trees had changed colors. Many of them were completely bare by now. Seth always loved this time of year for its beauty, but at the same he always hated it because the leaves on the...
College Transformation Part 5
Because the class is four hours long, there is always a break somewhere in the middle. Mike usually used this time to use the bathroom and maybe get something to drink from the vending machine. On his way out the door, one of his classmates asked if...
College Transformation Part 4
PLEASE NOTE: Much time has passed since the last chapter. It will be a little confusing in the beginning, but it will all make sense soon enough. Mike awoke to the sound of tornado sirens. He sat up in his bed and looked at the clock; five minutes...
College Transformation Part 3
Mike stood before the beast frozen with fear, but his terror was short lived when he realized he was still in control of his body. He quickly drew is bayonet in his right hand and flipped is pocket knife open with his left and held it upside-down in...
College Transformation Part 2
This takes place several months after the last story. Mike has been living in the woods, not bothered by anyone. Mike sat high up in a tree, eyes closed, concentrating on the sounds of the wild, bayonet in one hand, knife in the other; he was...
College Transformation Part 1
This is a story about a 19 year old college freshman. Mike had been drinking, like he usually did on the weekends. It was getting late and the fun was winding down so he decided to simply browse the internet and wait for his roommate to get...
Twokinds Revolutions Chapter 7
Seth sat up in his bed. The sight of the dip in the sheets where his leg should be filled him with an indescribable feeling. A mix of dread and sorrow. Once he had calmed down, he put his leg back on and walked outside. It was still very early but...
Twokinds Revolution Chapter 6
Emma and Seth made their way around the camp. Seth took note of where the important tents were: the medic tent and the mess hall. Dinner that night was some kind of stew. "The food isn't always this bad I swear." "What are you talking about?...
Twokinds Revolution Chapter 5
Emma and Seth had been walking for quite some time. Finally, Emma stopped and said, "We're here!" Seth looked around. He saw nothing and no one. Nothing in the trees either, there wasn't even anything that looked like a trap door. 'Oh God,...
Twokinds Revolution Chapter 4
The next morning something just felt off. Seth couldn't place his finger on it, but he just knew today was going to be a bad day. He still hadn't gone through the humans' packs from yesterday, so he decided he should start there. "Man, these guys...
Twokinds Revolution Chapter 3
The day went on pretty uneventful until it was time for dinner. Seth set out to collect some firewood like he always did, though this time his mind was in a different place entirely. He couldn't figure out why he helped that human. Seth had seen enough...
Twokinds Revolution Chapter 2
Seth awoke to the sound of footsteps. He didn't dare move in case it was... well in case it was anyone really. He noticed that they were coming from the direction of the clearing. 'Did they follow me? No, I was too carful for that.' he thought to...