Don Quixote Complex

I have heard a dying man sing out his last breath I have eaten fire, and drunk water I have watched our world be devoured, mountains, oceans, and all I have fought a great many battles with naught but words I have seen the face of unspeakable...

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New Year's Resolution

I want to do so many things, but I haven't been able to find the motivation. I have had ample time, and I have been inspired so much, but it only lasts briefly before it goes to waste. I feel like all my energies are going to waste, that I am becoming...

My World, Our World, One World, Small World

For my friends, A place where one's purpose lies in that which is immediately obvious. Where the highest office one could hope to achieve is that of a good friend, a lover, a mother, a father. Where there is and has never been a legitimate reason...


Kingdom Hearts III Imagined Final Confrontation

I have never been the type to write fan-fiction, but the buildup of anticipation towards Kingdom Hearts III has had my mind churning for a while now. I've cooked up some pretty hefty theories about how this sequel 10 years in the making will pan out,...


The Human Race

I need to write this down, make these thoughts concrete before they disappear. I am sick of all the confusion and turmoil and suffering people have to endure because of the concept of race. Race is a myth, another one of those big lies, a blanket term...

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