not so quite romantic first date , part 2
Hey everyone , first of all I want to apologize for the extreme delays of all my stories they were on my other laptop and one day just decided to derp and die but , I had to reread this part a few times to remember the plot I was going for and now I...
dead fur character description 2 - kale
Character description 2 - kale Species - fox Age - 17 Sexuality - bi (not so open about it) Kale... god where to start , hes the life of it all. Hes the one that can always turn a bad situation into a good one , put a smile on anyones faces, he...
dead fur character description part 1 kian wolffox
Characters description 1 - kian Species - wolf/fox hybrid Age - 18 Sexuality - straight Kian isn't your normal everyday wolf , why? Well mainly because hes also part fox , that right part FOX!!! You've read the stories a wolf falls in love...
not so quite romantic first date, part 2
not so quite romantic first date part 2 i know ive put this off for a long time and well a lot of things have happened that is changing the story as well the main character is gonna be my characters new update who is an otterfox cameron is going...