The Slave and the Mage: Bought, Chapter 5
### Chapter 5 Ra'kesh eyed the Nord curiously. He seemed the kind of person worth chatting to if one were looking for underground connections in the city. Unfortunately, Ra'kesh doubted he'd be allowed out of Kala's sight for more than a minute. He...
The Slave and the Mage: Bought, Chapter 4
### Chapter 4 Ra'kesh stiffened at Ra'Virr's mention of the sugar. He fought to remain impassive, but his claws dug deep into the knapsack in his hands. _That fetcher! That bastard! Selling Ra'kesh down the river! Race traitor!_He bit his tongue hard...
The Slave and the Mage: Bought, Chapter 3
### Chapter 3 When Ra'kesh approached her with the bag Kala looked up, leaflet in hand. "This one. You can see it's a rosette of three around this smaller central bud. Also, if you should see any of these, I need them, too." She reached down to pluck...
The Slave and the Mage: Bought, Chapter 1
A note from one of the authors: All of the stories uploaded to this account are roleplays written by two people. They have been edited into a more novel-like format, but sometimes you may notice a bit of jankiness, like ubrupt POV shifts. Some of our...