The Chronicles of Kobalt, Kobalt and the Gem of Life, chapter 1, Part 1
-Chapter 1- [The Cub Who Lived] Obsidian and Amber Tailtuft , who lived high in a cave on the Himalayan mountains, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal wolves, thank you very much. They were the last wolves you would expect to be involved...
Two families, one pride
Chapter 2: Confessions "I love you!" "I love you!". The two cubs stared at one another in bewilderment. Had their friend really just said what it sounded like? "Kopa, did you just say you love me? Because I said I love you and it sounded like we said...
Two families, one pride
Chapter One: The Pride Simba awoke in quite a haze this morning. He was still getting used to actually sleeping well for a change. He had unfortunately managed to fall sick previously and so spent most of his nights lying awake daydreaming. He looked...