Laid so still in rest, swarmed yet in silent torment Fire leaps though glass, licks of pain to greet shallow sockets The ceaseless score of visions form the gaps of a broken mind Crystal hope shatters into sharp and jagged truth With fingers like...
Machine Of Man
Once so green and blue, now cast and clad in grey Pillars of wonder one by one, are all cast away Flowing streams once so clean Restored to you it would not seem Cauldrons of fire, a forest void of trees Mankind breaths life, give rise to the...
Twisted Smiles
A rhythmic pace like a clock First a tick, then a tock With silent words it greats your ears A soothing voice, no others can hear Lip and teeth for twisted smile The soft calm voice stays for a while So suddenly the voice is gone And once more...
For All To Have, For All To Lose
All shall have it, and all shall lose it Praised yet cursed, on every set of lips It's hands will hold, it's hands will whip It can mend, it can rip It shall make, and it shall take Upon you strides it will make And shining hope it will take It...
Tired Eyes
The Sun breaks upon a pale face With long and tired eyes. Light but dark, much like a marsh It is often wet, seldom dry A husk foes rise from its guard In darkened cloth it is garbed With a forward lurch, it starts it's search. To try and dry...