The Brightest Star

August 23rd The so-called Silver Star made news around the world three days ago when it abruptly rose to prominence amongst the night sky. Initially thought to be a supernova, I have cause for doubt. Supernovae rise in their intensity over a...

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3--The Retreat

This story contains Death, Zombies, Injury,, and the first chapter of the series with no bunnysex. Oh Noes! Characters (C) themselves. Leona's weapons (C) Themselves. ...

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Strawberry Fields

Another story from the world of Watership Down (Or at least my warped interperetation) All characters originally created by Richard Adams Contains violence, but is under Clean for having no sex in...

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A Glistening Lift

I walked along the side of the road. With how flat the desert is, you would have thought that I could have seen the next town or something. I sure did pick the wrong place to have my car break down. I turned...

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Sidi panted, the black cat making their way towards their friend's couch. "Oh no you don't." The cheetah closing the door said. Her fur was shorter, so the sweat made it...

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Special Delivery

Timber perked at the sound of a knock on the door. He reached for a facemask to deal with whoever was there, slipping it on over his snout. The dog stood from his couch and made his way over to the door. He had been awaiting a delivery, but not for...

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Mistakes and Miscalculations

Titanium was astride her motorcycle, rolling through the streets of New Rhodia under the light of the almost blue-white halogen streetlamps. The otter's powers meant that she didn't bother with protective gear in favor of her comfortable lycra...

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Routine Maintenance

Erebus shrieked, the cybernetic wyvern writhing on the floor of the shop. Much of his body had been augmented or outright replaced. A full exo-spine travelled from the cap of his cranium down the metallic ridge on...

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Cat in the Mud

Sidi hummed quietly as they strode into the repurposed warehouse. It had been turned into an art collective several years prior, much to their elation since their last studio space had closed. The fluffy black cat...

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