chapter 1:meeting the squad
As camper walked off the bus that brought him to the military bootcamp. He felt a sensation of fear that he will not comeback home to his wife. Camper hears jets go flying by the military bootcamp. He noticed one soilder that looks different from the...
the journey to the jungle of traps
me and my dog were planning to explore an old abandoned jungle temple. We heard it was guarded by russian soilders, guarded by Indian tribes, while the temple is also booby trapped with spikes, closing walls, and pits falling into spikes. Good thing...
chapter 1:introduction the storm!
as Henry was going through the blizard looking for his dog Titan he was a german shepard henry had to keep movie "I musent stop I need to find my best friend titan I know he wouldnt give up to find me." He noticed something lying on the ground he moved...