Fur and Feather

Worthless was wandering loose, sans the mountain man who normally occupied the spot on his back. Amos was down in the Sioux camp, discussing human things. Equines had more sense and fewer inhibitions in doing what was necessary. Humans talked and...

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Some Lifetimes Are Like That

The bartender was polishing glasses when the gentleman walked in. He was careful to use the term gentleman, despite the fact that this guy could often act in an ungentlemanly fashion. He was one of those customers best left to his own devices, because...

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Bennie's Big Day

Little Bennie was clutching the paw that was holding his own with fierce determination. The noise surrounding him was a cacophony, to the point of being deafening to his sensitive ears. He was being jostled left and right, and if not for the...

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The Note (aka The Grand Delusion)

By the time you read this, the contents of this letter will prove to be rather pointless, and yet I have left it for you to read in my absence. There is always a need for closure, and hopefully this will provide you with some. I, on the other hand,...

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The Case of the Killer Queen (Part 1)

Holmes leaned forward and set the metronome into action, snapping his fingers in time to it for just a moment. He then settled back into his chair and stared across at the plump and mildly pompous creature sitting opposite him. "Pray continue. I...

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Windows to the Soul

"The court marshal of Sergeant Jack Russell will presently convene." Everyone in the court room went silent. "Sergeant Russell, before we begin with these proceedings, are you prepared to plead guilty to the charges brought against you?' The...

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