F.U.R.: The Brotherhood part 1
Meanwhile: in a small apartment in New York...All Characters © of me. Any likeness is probably just a coincidence }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ F.U.R.: The Brotherhood Part 1 * * * "David?" May asks as she comes into David's room/office. He...
The Red-Ringed Umbreon part 3
The Red-Ringed Umbreon }-- -- -- -- --{ Part 3: Fate's cousin Destiny We enter the part of the cave where we set up camp, and Fysi's eyes widen, "How are we going to eat all of these berries?" "Same way we always do, one at a time!" Fotia...
Hardcore Software: Part 1
Hardcore Software Part 1: The ".Rawr" File "Come on you stupid computer!" Anders said loudly to his computer. He was trying to get on to his e-mail for the past two hours, with no luck. He turned off his Internet, and paced...
The Red-Ringed Umbreon part 2
Guess What! I got halfway done with this story, then my laptop's battery explodes (I'm not kidding it looks like a bag of popcorn after it comes out of the microwave). So, after a couple of hasty decisions, I put it off. I borrowed my cousin's computer...
The Red-Ringed Umbreon Part 1
EDIT: I Fixed the wording on it so there aren't any "?" on the page }- - - - -{The Red-Ringed Umbreon}- - - - -{ Part 1: Anger to Anomaly Arceus was looking over his world, everything was okay. He looks into the minds of his subjects: I tremor....
F.U.R. Part 5
AHH! Feels good to come back to this story after a long vacation. All will become known...or something like that. All Characters © of me. Any likeness is probably just a coincidence. }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ F.U.R. Part 5 * * * David...
Prologue to F.U.R.
This is my ongoing series of...well you'll find out.So, I hope you like F.U.R., and no it doesn't stand for anything. All Characters © of me. Any likeness is probably just a coincidence }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ Prologue to F.U.R. The...
F.U.R. Part 4
Sorry it took so long, I had to travel from Idaho to Texas in a car, so I had no time to write, please excuse my absence of story. All Characters © of me. Any likeness is probably just a coincidence }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ F.U.R. Part...