Bleeding Fire: Burning Hearts

I wandered aimlessly down the flaming wreck of the lab, following large bloody pawprints, to large to be anything other than a wild cats. They led to a place where from the twisted and mangled direction of them, looked like the owner had been in a...

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Bleeding Fire: Burning Light

The next morning brought nothing but further darkness. As i regained my senses after a long nights sleep i found Kira Huddled up next to me providing a nice warmth. She didnt seem anything like the fighter i saw last night, she was too peacefull and ....

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Bleeding Fire

"Great job Bloodyeye lets take this route it looks dark and dangerous enough." I had to yell at myself for taking the wrong path through the woods. The same woods i had walked through many times without getting lost until now. The path i had...

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