Worlds Apart - Chapter One

Dan wrapped his fingers around the knurled steel bar and pushed against it. He didn't want to move it yet, he just wanted to feel its cold, solid weight against his palms. Taking deep breaths, he gathered his energy and focused his attention on what...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-four (and a half)

Sixteen hours spent riding between House Mal and the Kenzine monastery had given Victus plenty of time to think. He'd started his journey contemplating the possibility that Lucas MacKenzie would have been better off had he been left in the pits, but...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Nineteen

"So what's this guy like?" Lucas asked, as he smoothed wrinkles from his shirt. "You know, really. The way everyone gets that weird look in their eyes whenever someone mentions his name, he must be a real piece of work." "If by, 'a piece of work' you...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Sixteen

"He hardly calls any more," Dagen complained, knowing full well that he sounded like a churlish old fishwife but not caring enough to stop. "I almost feel as if I've been abandoned." "You got along just fine before you had Victus in your life," Abbot...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Seven

Victus had only vague recollections about the days following the wreck which killed his parents, but he did remember that his body felt almost as battered as it did today. There was not a muscle in him that didn't groan in protest with the slightest...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Five

Alone in his room, Victus sat on his bunk and waited for the rest of the boys to finish their dinner. His fear that he would have to go to bed without his supper had become reality, but the punishment wasn't nearly as bad as he'd anticipated. True to...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Four

Hello, faithful readers! Quick note, here. If you are enjoying this series, would you do me a favor and tell your friends about it? The readership is quite a bit down from Beneath the Skin, and I'm wondering if that's just because people are unaware...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Three

Victus joined two dozen other sleepy boys who waited in line for breakfast. Out of consideration, he left a half-meter gap between himself and the boy in front of him. He'd long ago learned that the other boys didn't appreciate the way he smelled, and...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Two

I'm aiming for a once-a-week posting, with the target day being Wednesday, to spread things out between other author's postings \*cough\*...Hockey Hunk...\*cough\*... My LIfe is Super...\*cough\* I missed that target this week not because it wasn't...

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Filling the Void - Chapter One

This is the first chapter of the series, Filling the Void, a collaboration between myself and VictusLupus. It occurs in the Beneath the Skin universe, in parallel with Bo and Dan. We've been working on this for a couple of years now, and he's created...

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A Chance of Showers - Part Three

"Why don't you guys go take your showers now," Jake suggested to Ralph, Quinn and Dunny, "I think we've got things covered here for now, and we'll need someone to watch Kip while we get cleaned up." "Shouldn't we call an ambulance?" Quinn asked, Jake...

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Exposure - Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten. They walked to the gym side by side, Jason in his letter jacket and Dox in Jason's extra shirt. It happened to be one of Dox's favorites, an outrageously garish tropical shirt with palm trees and hula dancers on it. It didn't look as good...

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