Chapter 3: Team Rocket Admins and love?

End of Our Despair: The Fight For our Love Act 1: Our True Love Chapter 3: Team Rocket Admins and Love? ? POV: "Fuck, FUCK! Who are those two?" I asked my partner, that is right next to me, a 4'3 tall men, who isn't that tall, at all. Who, like me,...

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Chapter 3: The Adventurer and the Alpha

LightningRunFree POV: I blink as he shouts some kind of code, what was it? Moon over all of us, or something? I shook my head, I couldn't believe he had some kind of power, and did he say elemental? I was an elemental, but wasn't supposed to have the...

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Chapter 1: The Exile and Vengeance

LightningRunFree POV: I trotted down through the beaten path, I knew this place all too well. It was my home territory, or at least it was. My fathers pack was small, that is until my uncle destroyed him, and now its said that there are more...

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Wolf-Haven: (prologue) The Exile And The Adventurer

In the Country of Aigrar,between two rivers called the Clen Run and the Wrims Creek, lives a pack... called the Blue Rock Pack. The Alpha now is called Kaide, a evil white Wolf. The old leader is gone and his daughter is exile. There is a total of 27...

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