Chapter 2: Showdown in the Steam Gardens

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Cappy asked while floating nervously next to Mario. "Of course! She's on our side you know?" Cappy said nothing, only watched as Harriet continued tossing bomb after bomb inside the odyssey. "I wouldn't say_ on our...

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Heroes of Alteria Chapter 4: Mining for Trouble

**3:26 am**. That's what her digital clock said, but she knew it couldn't be true. Shirlene knew there was nothing in this world that could drag her out of bed before 1 in the afternoon and now her clock had the audacity to lie to her and claim it was...

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Heroes of Alteria Chapter 3: Kiren Escape

"AHHH!" Jeeve screamed as he hurtled forward. He began frantically scanning the area for danger, only to find . . . His family. "Whoa weirdo! All Dad asked was if you wanted your picture taken with Mickey Mouse." Jeeve turned to his sister and almost...

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Chapter 10: Death Comes To All

The Essex building was roaring with activity today, for it was not everyday that the world's ruler came to visit. The giant six tailed wolf walked the halls of the facility with his daughter, making sure to lecture her all the while. _"Do you know why...

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Chapter 8: Home is Where The C Wing is

**_"PLEASE RECONSIDER CAPTAIN. ONE MUST GET SLEEP, IF THEY WANT TO BE EFFECTIVE ON THE BATTLEFIELD."_** "I told you computer. What kind of a friend am I if I'm sleeping, while she's out there?" **_"IT'S BEEN FOUR DAYS AND YOU HAVE NOT RESTED...

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