Howlr Diary: Coming Out

"Hey Silver?" "Yeah Thrad?" "I think you should come out to your parents." Silver had said the words "Yeah Thrad" with a contented sigh. All the nights he spent with Thrad were tied for some of the best nights of his life. Possibly they _were_ the...

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You haven't listened to them, have you?

"Hey, Bishop, something I need to talk with you about the fair." "Sure thing Mr. Lyons, give me a sec." Skip was both happy to wait, and would wait patiently for as long as Bishop needed, but was also antsy to get the conversation over with. He...

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Howlr Diary: First Rule; Don't Get Attached

It wasn't at all unusual for Thrad to be on my mind. I enjoyed our Thursdays together quite a lot. Recently I had come to enjoy Friday mornings as well. And throughout the week I'd look forward to the same time next week. It had been going on this way...

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