What if we find out

Ever since I was a little girl, I would ask "What If" to the point it would get the better of me. From eating bugs and dirt, to jumping from trees like a squirrel, I was always off trying something or doing something that I was not supposed...

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The Ferry Ride

I brush my blond hair back only for it to dangle back loose again. Oh, of course, I forgotten. I try again, this time looping the wayward strand behind my ear, slightly further up my head, careful not to knock out my wireless ear buds. I feel the...

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The Simulation

I grab and dawn the head seat and take a deep breath and say, "Okay computer, run simulation 2-9-1." As I open my eyes, I see the crystal blue waters of the ocean. Above me are memorizing patterns of small waves. Off in the distance, a small boat...

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The Rabies Ward

The floorboards groan under the weight. My flashlight swivels towards the sounds; it's beam piercing the dusty air. In its path, it hits a patch of rusty red and black fur lay in the way of the floor. "Augh. Turn that darn thing off, Ralph," the...

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