Diary of a Half-Breed Chapter 3: The Pregnancy of the First Man!

Day 1: I finally awoke at 12:00 PM in the morning. My arms and legs we're aching, sprouting brownish-red fur all over myself. Victor and Amanda (my sister) now we're taking care of me, giving me some weird redish fluid to drink, which seemed to numb...


Diary of a Half-Breed Chapter 2: The Tests

I had awaken from my wonderful slumber, if it weren't for the nightmare I had though. Thank god the dream after my nightmare was better. It involved me and Victoria, we we're boyfriend and girlfriend, me as a Vulpix, and her as her Ninetales form....

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Diary of a Half-Breed Chapter 1: Stell-R Industries

I suddenly woke up in a bright room, it seemed like a factory room, like in those industries, I looked around inside the room, only my head able to move, I was strapped to a table, arms and legs, even my chest was strapped with a thick metal band. I...
