The Lion King Old Stories of the Past 6

The wedding was nearing Zuri and Kishindo could hardly wait. Just three more days till the wedding and 1 day until they have to be apart from each other. "Kishindo?" "Yes Zuri?" "What was your sister doing here the other day?" Kishindo paused, then...


The Lion King Old Stories of the Past 4

"Come on Zuri it's time for your first hunt come on!!" Masa yelled up to the cave her daughter slept in, "Alright I'm coming," she said in a sleepy tone, she then walked out and everyone turned her fur was golden her under belly was cream colored....


The Lion King Old Stories of the Past

An old lioness by the name of Zuri sat down in front of numerous lion and lioness cubs that were playing and roughhousing. "Alright Cubs gather around and I'll tell you a story that you all will enjoy, in fact it is a true story not only about me but...

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The Lion King Old Stories of the Past 2

Zuri pranced out of the pride's den as she looked out to the beautiful lush green lands she called home. She smiled, her eyes scanning the land, spotting a couple of herds of Zebra and antelope and also flocks of birds. "Zuri hang on a second," a voice...

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The Lion King Old Stories of the Past 8

**AN: Sorry for the delay for those who are keeping up with this story...I've gotten out of a relationship that meant everything to me...I'm still a little heart broken. But for my fantastic followers, I'll do it all for ya :) thanks for bearing with...


The Lion King Old Stories of the Past 7

**Sorry it took so long to post this I've been really busy lately with school, and planning on living with my girlfriend, No such luck with finding a place yet. Well here is chapter 7 of my series** Back in the Wastelands news has hit one more...

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