Called to Duty (What Went on Before, Chapter 3 )

Here it is, chapter three. Yes, STILL no Yiff. I PROMISE it is coming! Til then, have some story! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Rukbat D'Sagitrus ran through the woods, her feet knowing the way well as she did so. She wore...

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Birth of A Dire (What Went on Before, Chapter 1)

Okay! Let it be known! I am writing this story and series because I figured enquiring minds want to know! In case you are on YiffChat, yes, tis I, the RukbatLupa. This is the history of that character, and an interesting one if I may say at that. Twill...

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Like an Arrow

"Like an arrow from the quiver of God, so now does joy strike my heart." Rukbat sat in her grandfather's cottage, reading the words Regina Vinceterini had spoken on her first sight of the promontory on which she had built the city of the Faithful...

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