My night Before X-Mas
Today of course is Christmas. But sadly, I am pagan. \*wink.\* 'Twas the night before Christmas, and there was no food in my house. My cigarettes were gone and ill blame that on my spouse. So I picked up my keys and dashed out the door. Hungry,...
A Whisper in My Mind Motel Part 2.
Ulfberth, sword in hand. Slaying the ghosts and gargoyles in the hellish twilight of my Dream scape. Whether in the endless hall of the midnight lady, or standing in the cave of trial, I fight for my life. In every form the war bear cries out in...
A whisper in my mind Motel.
The neon sign outside the motel in my mind reads, Vacancy. I ring the bell at the check in desk. ding ding ding. Over and over again, But the young Indian mans eyes have grown glassy and distant as he stairs at a spot on the counter. The lobby smells...