the marriage part 1
chapter 9 part 1 purity and hope get married "hope get here and put your suit on" says eve purities mum "seriously eve" hope says "yes hope NOW" eve says. "ok" hope replies trudging away from the fresh kill pile with a rabbit in his mouth "put...
purity and hope decide on a plan
chapter 3 "so purity about the plan" says hope. "well us 2 can run ahead and get the poachers to follow us and the pack ,including the war runners, can follow them and when we get into the hunting grounds, we turn round on the poachers and...
hope leaves the territory living den
chapter 4 I wake up to the sound of guns and birds. "what is going on" I say to the pack. "poachers shooting at the birds" the pack says "everyone ready for the sneak attack on the poachers" I ask but get silence back until we see a flash of grey...
survival of the packs
chapter 1 purity and hope \*the day I get told about the poachers attacking my friends this happens on a wednesday "purity will you come here please" says the leader (my mum), "why" I say. "JUST GET YOUR BUTT HERE" she's shouting now. "coming,...
survival of the packs
chapter 1 purity and hope \*the day I get told about the poachers attacking my friends this happens on a wednesday "purity will you come here please" says the leader (my mum), "why" I say. "JUST GET YOUR BUTT HERE" she's shouting now. "coming,...