The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 7 - Inversions
The feast-hall of Ro'Xanshin manor had been laid out in a warmer fashion than the greeting hall, with gauzy curtains of thin yellow silk to accent the sun's light and furnishings of dark balak-wood with covers and place-settings of the house colours of...
The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 6 - The Bleeding Edge
"They did _what!?_" Yaroi's roar of shock and indignation cut through the hurried conversation of the bridge-staff at battle-cry volume. Even the Ro'Xanshin astrometrician on the screen looked taken aback, but right now he didn't care. ...
A Perfect Bomb: Chapter 0 (Intro)
It was, Hexus mused, a perfect bomb. Utterly harmless and yet, used properly, awesomely destructive. He finished connecting a few final wires and took a step back to admire his handiwork. Duct-taped to the tallest point in the factory-district of...
The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 8 - Brighter Light, Deeper Darkness
News of the attack on the Waygate spread across the world in a ripple like the fur rising on the back of a startled cat. There had been some minor unrest and a small-scale migration as cautious people bought up tickets on starships leaving Byzantium...
The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 5 - Ring of Fire
Toroi awoke to a bed empty besides for him. At first he groped around on his pallet blindly, searching for the missing warmth of Uelo's body until, with a sudden start, he sat bolt-upright, alone and cold. The room seemed so empty now without...