The Day Coyote Stole the Sun

**The Day Coyote Stole the Sun** ~ NightEyes DaySpring After Coyote had stolen fire for man, he began looking for an even greater trick to play. He devised many different schemes, but none felt quit as satisfying as stealing fire. Then one day as he...

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Same as Me

I cling to the sound of your words as the ink in my journal clings to the pages. Everything about you is perfect, my wolf, and yet so imperfect are we, so against what they say we should be. It's the fact we're the same that drives this connection, yet...

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Gods with Fur Sample - Yesterday's Trickster

The modern world wasn't something that agreed with Old Man Coyote. He helped humanity build it by giving them fire, but that had been long ago. Things were good for a long time after that, but the arrival of the Europeans changed everything. He did...

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Wolf Moon Over South Georgia

The curse was getting worse. I had for a long time been able to keep it from consuming me, or at least I thought I had been controlling it. As I sat there on the hill behind my house, watching the moon rise over the trees, I realized I was still...

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Emotional Support Wolf

The guests started arriving at 3:00 for dinner at 4:30 at the Markin residence. His two oldest kids were there on time, Sara with her husband and John with his wife Bessy, plus their two young kids. The house felt alive in anticipation of Thanksgiving...

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The Forgotten God

The gods who created the world ruled over it and us for millennia unknown, but there came a day where they all passed into the shining realm and ceased to be. It wasn't just the gods of one people who were suddenly gone either. All the gods left...

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