Dance of the Blood Moon: Chapter 3
Dance of the Blood Moon Ferris Argensis ### Chapter 3 In the morning I dressed myself in ornamental robes, dabbed perfume under my chin, gathered four guards in their formal armors, and set off to find Alexis at her homestead. The ride there was...
Dance of the Blood Moon: Chapter 2
Dance of the Blood Moon Ferris Argensis ## Chapter 2 The coming days proved me to be a very shy person; though I was in love with the Lady Alexis I found myself at a dualistic stance between being magnetized with twitterpation and repelled in...
Dance of the Blood Moon: Ferris Argensis
Dance of the Blood Moon: Ferris Argensis Written by Caleb "Mr. Turnip" Clanton Written for The Duke Connor, my family, and Tom "Brother of Markiplier" Fischbach May your souls be crushed, your dreams thwarted, and all your ambitions topled. ##...