Chapter 4: The Coming Storm
The sound of steel clanging against steel echoed harmoniously through the dark forest. Dash drew his blades back from his opponent's parry taking two quick steps away. He resumed his fighting stance, watching his opponent who was holding his katana...
Chapter 3: Perspective
"It was a terrible thing Lady Sakura, a terrible thing." the new High Mage of the outpost said. He had teleported in early that morning after news of the assassination had reached the ears of the general in charge of the region. Sakura had not even...
Chapter 2: Vengeance
Wren strode silently through the forest, recounting on her conversation with her brother. He would never, could never understand what she felt at that moment. Dael's death was on her shoulders. She had been his Shield Maiden, his bodyguard, but...
Chapter 1: Aftermath
Dash found his sister right where he thought she would be, standing by Dael's grave. Her feet were planted daintily on the side of the freshly dug earth and one of her hands was draped almost absently over the gravestone. One of her ears twitched...
A Brief Episode in the Life of a Starship Ensign
It was another boring day aboard the _Liberator_. Another day of staring out at the black void of space and the tiny dust specs of light in the distance. For being on a starship on active duty during one of the largest wars in recorded history, Russ...