Cat Island, Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Stormclouds and Mist Mist, mist, and more mist. That was all she could see. An endless sea of fog, with no determinable end. Lethe chuffed, the laguz warrior leaning on the railing on the bow of the ship, a tiny thing. Along with her sister...

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On the Moon

On the Moon By Mohawk Puma Look upon the Moon, see her lovely silver face. Wise grandmother, keeper of the tide, grandmother to all children. The People look to her and say, "Keep us safe, Grandmother, You who watch over the night, the tides,...

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The Convoy

It's said the desert can hold many things. Like the long, black stretch of highway, the parched, broken ground, the legions of cacti, all trappings of the desert. What wasn't expected was the line of vehicles, tan against the black pavement. There were...

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Lunch at King's

"See, I told you it'd be open." The puma said to his three friends. Well, they were guests at the local hotel resort, but what did it matter to him, anyway. He was a typical cat, with the same markings as others of his species. The only difference was...

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Strange Points of Arrival

When Laguz Met Furry Disc.: I don't own Fire Emblem, or Lethe. They are the respective properties of Intelligence Systems and Nintendo. Ch. I. Points of Strange Arrival It was cold, the coldest winter she had ever experienced. The cloak Lethe wore...

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