
No porn. There will be porn next time, I promise. ^.^ Upward by Mog Moogle Brad shifted nervously in his seat at the large executive conference table in the offices above the factory floor. He adjusted the tie on his three piece suit that...


Fragment's of Life's Heart - Transitions

**_Love is acceptance. Acceptance of others, acceptance of self. Without acceptance, love is an inhibitor._** **Fragments of Life's Heart - Transitions** **by Mog Moogle** Freya dragged the heavy antique steamer trunk from her closet. It slid...

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**Transitions** **by Mog Moogle** The sunlight streamed through the blinds of the master bedroom on the third story of the Victorian house. It was not far from the historic downtown district of the Midwestern town. Narrow slits of light brushed...

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